I incorporate dark, moody color schemes with bold, contrasting elements as well as bright, saturated colors and random arranged in a complimentary way to create fantastical and dream-like images. But really the sky is the limit when it comes to creative ideas. There are no lengths I wont go to design the appropriate imagery to compliment and convey any given music style.
I focus on dynamic, fast-paced editing with quick cuts and transitions. I use unconventional camera angles to enhance the moody, atmospheric feel, and then apply effects that distort and manipulate the visuals like glitch effects, kaleidoscopic patterns and heavy contrast. Many of my videos have an have a raw and static feel while others have a more surreal feel with melting objects, morphing faces and imagery pulled right from ym own dreams.
I use anything from real paintings to the latest design software to create displacement, dream-like imagery and distorted reality. I often use shapes and colors themselves to tell a visual story to the subconscious mind of the viewer. I have an eclectic styles that covers a broad range of genres which often implements bold typography, deconstructionism and fragmentation. My work is often influenced by ancient symbolism mixed with a futuristic flare.